Saturday 17 September 2011

Diving into the natural dye-pot, a beginners adventure

So, where did I begin, well in my back yard, in my neighborhood and in my area.

Ok, like most things I get into, I caught a glimpse of something or heard a few words about this or that or read about it in a book years ago and it stirred around my head until enough things came together that I could bring it into my life. I have done fiber arts for years, simple weaving and simpler knitting and I have some experience in silk dye-painting.

But my rustic/pioneering/eco-freak side was itching for more ways to add colour and warmth to my projects. I find weaving takes so much time that I really have to love my fibers to enjoy the whole experience. and what could be better than using herbs and wildflowers that are so abundant at this time of year, to transform pure white yarns into a rainbow pallet of choices.

First thing I have to say is that although I took notes YMMV always applies, My home turf is in the sw part of ontario, so what and when I find things growing and blooming may vary considerably from wherever you call home. Pictures are my way of logging most processes and it's reassuring to see proof that the muddy mess you have really is about to change radically when you add some alum or iron in at he last minute.

so with no further adu, here are the first posts in my dyeing adventure.

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